Inside the Mind of Singer Delianov, PART II

Singer Delianov is a big hit with the ladies, especially the ones in New York where he’s based. The singer-songwriter loves to create songs that bring back the essence of classic R&B. He’s also musically attached to konpa, the Haitian pop musical form that women of Haitian descent and other romance-loving creatures swoon over.

Delianov’s latest track is “Can’t Forget You”, a roots-heavy ballad about that love we can’t get out of system no matter how hard we try. Actually, we don’t want to try. We want to experience that obsessive love; we want to hang on to the lovely memories and stay stuck in the overly-glorified past.

Kreyolicious: Growing up, which artists did you like best?
Delianov: Growing up, I was inspired by a R&B singer Tyrese Gibson. I find similarities in Tyrese’s voice because it is unique and very distinguished. I recall singing and pretending that I was Tyrese in front of the mirror and mimicking his style for a very long time. He is my greatest inspiration in music.

Kreyolicious: Have you been to Haiti?
Delianov: I have not been back to Haiti ever since I left to reside here in [the United States of] America. However Haiti is engraved in my heart and pretty soon I will return to share my music with my country and the people.

singer Delianov singer
[Photo Credit: Ayiti Sakapfet]
Kreyolicious: Do you think that it’s vital for an artist to write his or her own song?
Delianov: It is very easy to sing especially if you have a beautiful voice, however if you have the gift of writing songs, that is truly a blessing. Being able to sing and write your own song is definitely a gift. I personally do not think that it is vital to sing only the songs that you have written. Singing songs of many different artist can show your style of being diverse.

Kreyolicious: What’s next for you?
Delianov: Next I would love to expand my talents to other genres of music. I would love to become less international. My next song will be tiled “What I Need Now”, and it will be followed by a music video, produced by Jean Max Valcourt. My fans are waiting for me to sing songs that can reach not only the Haitian community but others worldwide.

This concludes PART I of the interview with singer Delianov! Did you check out PART I of the interview with the singer? CLICK HERE to read PART I and learn what you missed about the singer!


Last Updated on November 10, 2023 by kreyolicious

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